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Michele Imes


Michele Imes

Emerging Member

Purpose Built Message:

The journey to my career path I find myself in has been anything but a straight line nor has it been free from adversity. The variance of experiences I have delt with both professionally and personally has afforded me with the realization that kindness, empathy, and a great deal of humility are critical characteristics for the current complex environment our society finds themselves facing in these ever-changing modern times. Much like the chaotic lines that have driven me to this career and calling in the technology landscape, I embrace the uphill challenge with both a resilient attitude and relentless perseverance.

My professional purpose is to challenge the status quo, while embracing a graceful attitude in this ever-changing dynamic we experience in daily business.

My personal purpose is shared with my loving husband as we work to love, support, and guide our children to find their own personal unique purpose that drives hope, healthy habits, and simplistic joy within their lives. Never evade my sight that at my core the children of the earth (mine included) are the ultimate driving force that fuels my passion and perseverance. I plan to stay connected with this passion through continued local volunteer coaching and other community support.


Michele Imes leads with curiosity leadership, and she is outcome drive to the core. The realization that success is never done by one personal alone, her moto is, “lead with positive and honest behaviors, success is sure to follow.” Her career path has been anything, but a straight line and she does believe that continuous hard work always pays off. One of Michele’s first “real” paying job was in her youth, working for a local gym in her native state, California. In this role she served as a front desk coordinator for a local gym, while balancing high school education and playing varsity sports. In this role Michele learned that a smile and listening can go a long way.

Michele found passion in health and wellness and selected to advance her knowledge as she embarked on her higher educational path earning her Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Physiology at California State University, Chico with a minor in Coaching. During this time Michele put her learning into action and during this period of education was a professional personal training and group exercise instructor while also assisting a local soccer coach for youth programs in the community. Upon her graduation Michele’s calling for corporate wellness and business was an area of curiosity she wanted to keep growing. At this point she went back for advancing her education while juggling her first full time position with an Original Equipment Manufacturer for refrigeration working for Ingersoll-Rand in the Hussmann division supporting local grocery chains in Northern California. During this time is when Michele met her true compass her loving husband, and her world took a totally new turn. Eventually Michele finished her master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix in 2010.

With the never give up attitude Michele started her new life with her now husband of 12 years in Mid-Missouri where she fell back to her roots in serving at the University of Missouri Women and Children’s hospital as the Coordinator for Injury Prevention and Outreach for 10 counties. She served in this role while running the funding for this non-profit portion of the university system for Kohl’s Cares and Safe Kids National Program. It is within this position that Michele found her true calling and she was driven to the technology industry. Michele started her career in the technology industry in Mid-Missouri as a representative for Ricoh she received a promotion that helped to move her family to the Dallas-Fort Worth Texas market in early 2015. In that position Michele served as a Major Account Manager as delivered on great success winning several awards during this period. However, in 2017 Michele was part of a massive lay-off for this company as the industry continuously is shifting and stays ever dynamic. Not long after Michele received a call from an HP, Inc. recruiter and started working at HP, Inc. December 2017 as an A3 technical sales consultant. Michele’s current position at HP, Inc. is serving under the SLED organization as 1 of the 5 local field representatives in the state of Texas. Michele and her other 4 teammates are supported by strong and regional talented technical consultants as well as additional regional specialists to ensure strong and thoughtful outcomes for our future as it relates to critical technology in business today and into tomorrow


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